Monmouth Historic Inn


January 21 2015 | News

Today we share with you an interview with 1 of the Ducks of Monmouth - who wished to remain anonymous.  Until next time, happy travels and enjoy this beautiful weather!



Q:     What brought you to Monmouth?

A:      Some of us were hatched here and others were brought here as mere ducklings.

Q:     What’s the best part about being one of the Ducks of Monmouth?

A:      We love the freedom to waddle around the grounds, chase fish – and each other - eat our fill of corn, and greet guests – most of whom already seem to know who we are, due to our notoriety.  But THE best part is being able to fly back and forth between the 2 ponds!

Q:     What’s the best part about Restaurant 1818 and what’s your favorite dish?

A:      Well, I must say our favorite dish is the cracked corn we’re served in our feeding trough every day.  Of course, we are definitely NOT fond of the Duck dish in the restaurant, although I know many of our guests rave about it.  I can also happily report that the main “ingredient” for that dish does NOT come from the property!

Q:     Who is your favorite employee at Monmouth?

A:      Well, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but we must all admit that Hal is our favorite.  We can’t wait to see him each day and many times we run calling for him mid-morning if we haven’t seen him yet.  Hal takes great care of us and feeds us our favorite cracked corn each day!  Of course, those silly birds and rambunctious squirrels will tell you Hal puts the corn out for them, but we know better.  After all, it says right on the bag – “Duck Food.”  The corn is so delicious, that even deer stop by sometimes for a late night snack.

Q:     How do you know that?

A:      Why, Hal told us, of course!  I remember him clearly saying:  “Come and eat your ‘duck food’” as he pulled it out of the bag.

Q:     What’s your favorite spot at Monmouth?

A:      That’s a hard one – we have so many favorite places, but we especially love the place just under the Proposal Bridge in the first pond, and I guess our second favorite spot is on the banks of the main pond, nestled underneath the old oak tree.  Oh, we also love the courtyard and many times in the afternoons, after our nap, we take a walk to the courtyard to say hello to guests – and, of course, Hal.

Q:     What are some of the most frequent statements you hear guests make?

A:      Since one of our favorite spots is just under the Proposal Bridge, I’d say one of the most frequent things I hear are people telling each other “I love you,” others asking “will you marry me,” and some even saying “I do” on the bridge.  When they say “I do,” the females are all dressed in white and look like beautiful swans! 

Q:     What’s your favorite thing about Monmouth?

A:      Well, it used to be the female ducks on the property, but since we’re an “all male” group at the moment, I have to say our favorite thing is the way the sun shines on our pond just so . . . it’s really beautiful, not to mention the fact that it makes it easier to find some fish to eat!  Also, I guess we’re kind of fond of the squirrels, birds, and even the cat that eat with us.  Then there’s the deer – sometimes when it’s especially quiet – they wander over to our pond to get a cool drink.  Sometimes a whole deer family, the Mama, Papa and Baby Deer, all come together – true poetry.

The last thing we’d like to say is – ya’ll come visit us at Monmouth and be sure to stop by the pond to tell us “hi” – if we don’t beat you to it first on the courtyard!